Privacy Policy
Data Privacy
Spacecraft Works Limited (Spacecraft) is committed to preserving the privacy of all our customers, suppliers and beneficiaries.
The following privacy policy is provided to inform you on how we use and protect the information that you provide to us through this website and any other interaction with us.
This privacy policy relates to any and all personal data that you provide to us when working with us, and covers the sharing of your personal data, your consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information under the terms of this policy.
There are hyperlinks contained within our websites which link to other websites owned and operated by third parties. These third parties have their own privacy policies and we recommend that you consider those when using their websites. We do not accept any liability or responsibility in terms of the privacy and security practices of these third party organisations and their websites.
Whilst making every attempt to secure personal data, we will have no liability for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information that is beyond our control.
1. Information that we may collect from you
When you access this website you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself, including your name, contact details.
Spacecraft will be what’s known as the ‘Data Controller’ of the personal data you provide to us. We only collect personal data about you which is required to enable us to work with you as a customer, supplier, partner or beneficiary.
This personal information will typically include (but is not limited to) information such as your first and last name, organisation / company name whom you represent (if appropriate), phone number, email address and postal address and the type of information you may be interested in receiving from us.
All personal data that you provide to us will only be processed following your explicit consent and always in line with the DPA 1998 and any other applicable data protection legislation.
2. How we will use personal data
We may use your personal data to fulfil a contract or take steps linked to a contract:
to provide the products and/or services to you; to communicate with you in relation to the provision of services; to provide you with administrative support such as account creation, security and responding to issues; to provide you with surveys, information about our awards and events, offers and promotions, related to the products and/or services.
Legitimate Interests
Where the collection of data is necessary for purposes which are in our, or third party’s legitimate interests. These interests are:
communicating with you in relation to any queries, issues, complaints;
improving the quality of experience including testing the performance and customer experience of our website;
performing analytics on sales or marketing data, determining the effectiveness of promotional campaigns;
Reporting to our funders to allow them to provide their public tasks.
Where you have given your express permission to receive marketing communications, we may use your data to send you newsletters, surveys, information about our awards and events, exam, offers and promotions, related to products and services which may be of interest to you.
Where required by law
We may also process your personal data if required by law, including responding to requests by government or law enforcement agencies or for the prevention of crime or fraud.
3. How we collect your data
Data may be collected in a variety of forms, these may include, however is not limited to:
Online website forms (e.g. contact form on this website)
Email – Where we receive emails from this data will be held to enable us to respond.
4. How long we keep your data
We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal or reporting requirements. The personal data that we use for communications purposes will be kept with us until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive our communications. You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link contained on all of our communications or contacting us directly.
5. How your data will be stored
Your information will be stored on our internal databases, hard copy forms in our office and external databases operated by on-line suppliers of software products we use in the supply of our services. This includes, but is not limited to on line products that may have data systems located outside of the UK.
6. Changes to our policy
We retain the right to alter this privacy policy without notifying users of the changes made. Updating our privacy policy helps to improve your experiences with us and helps to protect us as well as you. A new and updated Privacy Policy will be posted when in place and will be in effect immediately after posting. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is reflected by the version date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.
7. Sharing your information
We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our staff protect your personal data and are aware of their information security obligations. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know such as trusted third parties including:
Service providers contracted to us in connection with the provision of the products and services; this includes the service provider which runs election and voting at our annual general meeting;
Relevant Regulators;
Our funders;
Our insurers;
External and internal lawyers and/or specialist advisors
We may also be bound to share data with the police or other law enforcement agencies in the event of a crime.
We will ensure there is a contract in place with the categories of recipients listed above which include obligations in relation to the confidentiality, security and lawful processing of any personal data shared with them. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
We will not share your personal information with any third parties without reason or unless given consent to do so by yourself.
8. Your rights
At any time, you have the right to request to see your personal information that we hold, as well as have it corrected or deleted. Where we have asked for your consent to use your personal information, you will always have the right to withdraw your consent. You can contact us by emailing should you wish to make any of these requests.